
Herbarium of the University of Latvia, Institute of Biology (LATV) is located in the laboratory of Botany. It was founded in 1951 and consists of 180 000 herbarium units. As separate units there are several collections from state institutions as well as private collections:
         herbarium of K. Veinbergs (VEINB) (since 1980)          herbarium of A. Rasiņš (RAS) (since 1994)          herbarium of A. Āboliņa (AB) (since 1999)          herbarium of University of Agriculture of Latvia, Forest faculty (LLU) (since 2002)          herbarium of Latvian Plant Protection Research Centre (LAAC) (since 2003)          herbarium of Slitere National park (SVR) (since 2010)  Scientific information of Herbarium is used for:
         Taxonomical research of flora of Latvia          Elaboration of plant protection strategy, plan development for protected nature        teritories, for investigations and management plan development of protected teritories          Composition of Flora’s and Conspect’s for larger regions          Monographic elaboration of taxa          For scientific research of students from Latvian Universities, environmental education in schools, society information about biodiversity and protection of flora of Latvia