Juris Lipsbergs

Juris Lipsbergs (25.VII.1939–10.V.2020)
At the age of eighty, the great spirit of Latvian ornithology, honorary member of the Latvian Ornithological Society, doctor of biological sciences Juris Lipsbergs, whom colleagues called the "General" of field ornithology, passed away.
He was one of the first and few professional ornithologists who worked in the team of the Ornithology Laboratory of the Institute of Biology for almost the entire Soviet period, and also contributed to the staying "afloat" and gradual development of this branch of science until today. He borrowed his interest in birds from his older brother, Uldis Lipsberg (1926–1999), a volunteer bird ringer of the Latvian Ornithology Central. In 1949, the Lipsberg family was deported from Salacgriva to the "Lauters" by the occupation regime, so the young researcher learned the skills of a nature observer in his youth in the valley of the Ob River in the Tomsk region of Russia. Returning to his homeland, everything had to be started from scratch and the young man with great vigor began to explore the world of Latvian birds, participating in the research conducted by the ornithologists of that time. After graduating from the Faculty of Biology at LSU, Juris Lipsbergs worked for 37 years in the Ornithology Laboratory of the Institute of Biology. The general public is best known by Dr. J. Lipsberg's achievements related to the creation of the Red Book of Latvia, as well as the implementation of micro-sanctuaries as a mechanism for the protection of rare bird nests in practice: Juris Lipsberg defended his dissertation on this in 1988 at the Moscow State University. In his research, J. Lipsbergs paid special attention to swans and reed birds, he was also one of the first researchers of the Papes Ornithological Research Center of the LU Biology Institute. In the last decades, he was actively involved in the installation of artificial nests - for sea and rock eagles, as well as for our largest owl - the owl. Until the last year of his life, he climbed trees, near the nests of these birds and ringed the babies. He was actively interested in the development of ornithology outside of Latvia as well, created the largest private library of ornithological literature in modern Latvia with his own funds, carefully documented the development of ornithology both in Latvia and in neighboring countries. Thanks to his good memory, J. Lipsbergs could tell in detail about various events throughout his life, with a good dose of humor. Juris will remain in our memory as an extraordinary, talented, hardened by the conditions of Siberia and expeditions, sometimes principled and direct, always capable of work and oriented towards new achievements, both those with whom he was personally acquainted, and also for future generations - reading the books written in his fascinating language and in scientific publications.
The name of "General" Jura Lipsbergs will forever remain in the group of the most outstanding researchers of Latvian ornithology, alongside other, already departed colleagues - Harija Michelsons (1930–1981), Jānis Baumanis (1940–2006), Jānis Baltvilkus (1944–2003), Jānis Vīksni (1936– 2015) and others. Let the feathers fly lightly!
Juris Kazubiernis

Juris Kazubiernis (1940.29.02. – 22.11.2016)
Agrā 2016.gada 22.novembra rītā aprāvās ilggadīgā Latvijas Gredzenošanas centra vadītāja Jura Kazubierņa mūžs. Tas nenotika pēkšņi – jau vairākus mēnešus viņu mocīja pārāk vēlu konstatēta ļauna slimība.
Mīlestība un nopietna interese par putniem Jurim radās pavisam agrā jaunībā – par to liecina gan rūpīgi paša gatavotais putnu katalogs ar aprakstiem un zīmējumiem (noteicēji taču nebija pieejami), gan jau kopš 15 gadu vecuma rakstītās un profesionāli noformētās lauka novērojumu piezīmes. Kur gan Rīgas centra akmeņos dzīvojošam puišelim radās tik nepārvarama tieksme iepazīt dabu? Pie tā acīmredzot “vainīgas” bērnībā pie vecmāmiņas Jaunpils laukos pavadītās vasaras un vēlāk skolas un jaunības gados pie viņas pavadītais laiks Ikšķilē Daugavas krastos. Savukārt to, kā vienkāršu putnu vērošanu pārvērst profesionālā nodarbē, Juris iemācījās, kopš 1955.g. apmeklēdams Rīgas Zoodārza Naturālistu pulciņa Ornitoloģijas sekcijas nodarbības un piedaloties putnu vērošanas ekskursijās. Engures ezerā Juris pirmo reizi ieradās 1958.gada 5.jūlijā motocikla blakusvāģī. Šo datumu viņš atcerējās visu savu mūžu, jo tas bija ilgi gaidīts notikums. Izlēmis ar putniem saistīt savu turpmāko dzīvi, viņš 1959. g. laboranta statusā sāka strādāt ZA Bioloģijas institūta Ornitoloģijas laboratorijā. Sekoja neliels “sānsolis” – no 1966. līdz 1972. g. Juris strādāja Latvijas Zivsaimniecības pārvaldes Hidroķīmiskā un bioloģiskā laboratorijā par inženieri, apbraukājot Latvijas iekšējos ūdeņus un vācot materiālus zivju resursu pētījumiem.
Kad Bioloģijas institūts pārcēlās uz Salaspili un radās jaunas darbavietas, jauno darbinieku vidū kopš 1972.g. septembra atkal bija arī Juris Kazubiernis. Sākumā viņš bija vecākais laborants, pēc tam pārņēma putnu un sikspārņu gredzenošanas darbu organizāciju Latvijā. 1992.g. Juri Kazubierni pārceļ darbā par Latvijas Gredzenošanas centra vadītāju, par kuru viņš nostrādāja līdz pat savai aiziešanai. Jurim piemita galvenās īpašības, kas nepieciešamas šādam amatam – pacietība, rūpība, precizitāte, cieņa pret detaļām.
Līdz ar gredzenošanas lietām saistītu pienākumu veikšanu Juris daudz laika aizvien ir pavadījis lauka darbos, vākdams visdažādākos datus, kādi nu kuru reizi bija vajadzīgi laboratorijas kopējiem pētījumiem. Nevaru iedomāties Juri kaut kur dabā bez binokļa, arī blakus rakstāmgaldam un automašīnā tas allaž bija pa ķērienam – ja nu aiz loga pazib kaut kas interesants. Viņš neapšaubāmi bija viens no labākajiem Latvijas putnu pazinējiem, nosakot putna sugu gan pēc izskata, gan pēc balsīm, un šīs prasmes tika liktas lietā gan dažādos putnu uzskaišu projektos Latvijā, gan starptautisku pētījumu ietvaros, piemēram, Senegālā 1993.g. Daudzas putnu migrāciju sezonas pavadītas Papē, Kolkā un citviet – gan reģistrējot, gan gredzenojot tūkstošiem putnu. Tomēr visvairāk Āpsis (cieši pielipusi iesauka, pēc kuras viņu pazina gandrīz visi ar gredzenošanu saistītie cilvēki Latvijā, dažkārt pat nezinot viņa īsto vārdu) ir vienots ar Engures ezeru. To un tā apkārtni viņš pamatoti varētu saukt par savām otrajām mājām, kurās pavadīti un nostrādāti vairāki desmiti lauka darbu sezonu. Starp citu, šeit, pateicoties Georga Lejiņa (Jorģa) padomiem, Juris apguva pavāra iemaņas, tai skaitā - fantastisku prasmi pagatavot zivis – viņa zivju maltītes aizvien ir priecējušas gan ģimeni, gan kolēģus. Kādi gan raibi notikumi nav iezīmējuši šīs sezonas – gan dramatisku un smagu, bet lielākoties bezgala interesantu un jocīgu gadījumu apraksti aizņemtu vai veselu grāmatu. Kādu nozīmīgu notikumu Jura mūžā jāatzīmē īpaši. Tieši Engurē, kur, dzīvojot un strādājot cieši blakus viens otram un rodot iespēju novērtēt cilvēku tik pamatīgi, cik vien tas ir iespējams, viņi sastapās, novērtēja un iemīlēja viens otru – Juris un Māra, kura uzsāka darbu Ornitoloģijas laboratorijā vienu mēnesi pirms Jura. Šī iepazīšana prasīja trīs kopīga darba gadus, bet tas bija tā vērts – esmu pārliecināta, ka Dievs patiesi ir radījis šos abus cilvēkus vienu otram. Savu dabas mīlestību abi ir nodevuši arī dēlam Egilam, kurš, pats gan nebūdams biologs, būšanu dabā ir pieņēmis kā neatsveramu savas dzīves sastāvdaļu.
Gribētos minēt arī tādu ikdienas saskarsmē svarīgu īpašību kā humora izjūta. Āpša jociņi bija asprātīgi un labsirdīgi, bez ļaunuma un izsmiekla, un uzlaboja garastāvokli ne vienreiz vien. Pats būdams izpalīdzīgs un līdzcietīgs, viņš neprata un negribēja savas problēmas, sāpes un nevarēšanu rādīt citiem. Arī pēdējās savas dzīves dienās...
Mums visiem ļoti pietrūks Jura – laba cilvēka, mīļa kolēģa un izcila Latvijas putnu pazinēja..
Dr.biol. Māra Janaus LU Bioloģijas inst. Ornitoloģijas lab. vadītāja
Jānis Vīksne

Jānis Vīksne (18.09.1936. – 13.02.2015).
Early morning of February 13, 2015 this world lost Jānis Vīksne – Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Academician of Latvian Academy of Sciences, Officer of Tri-Star Order, long-term Head of the Laboratory of Ornithology in Institute of Biology, inspirer, leader and executor of many ornithological studies. His contribution to nature research cannot be overestimated – both in theoretical and practical fields his merits are recognized in Latvian as well as in worldwide scale.
Jānis Vīksne was born on September 18, 1936 in Riga. First years of life he literally was a resident of the Riga Zoo – his family (father was the director of the Zoo) lived in its premises. Obviously therefore natural was his interest about animals, encouraged by activities together with only several years older Harijs Mihelsons – a contractor of the Zoo and the later Head of Laboratory of Ornithology. So the little Jānis already since very early age was “spoiled” with birding… Also during school and study years (in 1955 he absolved Riga 2. secondary school, graduated Faculty of Biology of Latvian State University in 1960) all free time was devoted to birds – mainly different waterbirds, criss-crossing lakes Babīte, Kaņieris and other waters, but most of all – the Lake Engure where he spent 64 summers. His first and only workplace was Institute of Biology of Academy of Sciences (later University of Latvia), first as a field assistant in expeditions of Laboratory of Ornithology, then as junior (1960-1972) and senior (1972-1981) researcher, since 1981 – as Head of laboratory and leading researcher. In 1968 in Scientific Council of Estonian Academy of Sciences he defended scientific candidate dissertation “Territorial relations and demography of the East Baltic Black-headed Gull Larus ridibundus populations“ which was equated to PHD of Biology of Latvian Republic. Since 1993 Jānis Viksne was Professor, since 2005 – Academician of Latvian Academy of Sciences. Evaluating merits of Professor in field of nature research and protection in Latvia (and not only Latvia) he recieved different honorary titles and gratitudes: 1988 – Honorary member of Estonian Ornithological Society, 2008 - Honorary member of Latvian Ornithological Society, 2004 – ITERA Latvia and Ministry of Education and science reward, 2005 – “Riga 2005” reward, 2013 – Tri-Star Order (IV grade), 2014 – State Emerited researcher.
Jānis Vīksne has been ahead of professional ornithology in Latvia since 1950s, and his departure marks an end of a whole era in ornithological studies which was characterized by special spirit of team work, at great extent maintained just by Jānis. Main fields of his investigations were population ecology of birds, migration and migrational orientation – mainly processing of recoveries of ringed birds, visual registration of migration, homing experiments with larids, avifauna of Latvia and countries of Eastern Baltic, increase of habitat capacity, protection of birds and their habitats, problems of hunting management of waterbirds.
The list of publications by Jānis Vīksne is rich – it contains more than 400 titles, about half of them are scientific ones, including monographs and study aids; others are popular-science works and publicistic. He has been project leader for countless scientific and practical projects, among them – for about 10 international projects.
Though he was an official leader of only four doctoral dissertations, practically all todays’ Latvian professional ornithologists can name him a Teacher – if not regarding the direct theme of dissertation than undoubtedly in relation of attitude to work and responsibility to scientific truth. His lectures in Faculty of Biology have been not only valuable but also exciting. He was a professional of the highest standard, investigator according to his character and innate abilities, with incessant interest about all ongoing around. With his enthusiasm he was able to infatuate practically everybody, also people of other professions, and thus won general respect and sympathy. Jānis almost always has considered his work as the most important in his life. Until the very last days of his life he simply was not able to idly lase, always he was to “nag papers” how he liked to say.
He was engaged in different scientific organizations, expert commissions, councils and funds in Latvia (Latvian Ornithological Society – President since its foundation in 1985 until 2008, Latvian Fund for Nature (Vice-President 1990-2000), member of the 6th independent expert commission of LAS (biology, ecology, nature sciences, geology, geography; later – of the 3th expert commission (biological and medical sciences) in 1991-2014, also member and since 1998 chairman of Board of the Institute of Biology (=Scientific council) of the University of Latvia (earlier Latvian Academy of Sciences), Vice-chairman of Council of Latvian Red Data book, Board member of the Latvian Fund for development of hunting management in 2004-2007, Board member of Consulting council of Latvian Fund for development of hunting management in 2008-2012. He acted also in different international organizations – was a member of International Ornithological Committee elected in 1994 in Vienna (Austria), member of Estonian Nature Researcher Society, Menzbir (earlier – All-Union) Ornithological Society, Colonial Waterbird Society - (USA), Latvian national delegate in Wetlands International since 1991, Vice-chairman of Baltic Commission of Bird Migration Study in 1978-1995, National coordinator of Geese Research group in Wetlands International in 1990-1993, member of North-Asian Ornithological Committee since 2001. These are only main social commitments during last 25 years. One of his main success was establishing of Latvian Ornithological Society (one of the biggest and powerful nature protection NGO in Latvia) where he played a crucial role.
In young age influenced by grandfather Jānis Vīksne has been a passionate hunter for a lifetime. However, he was not only taker - much time and energy was spent to education of hunters and to contribute to development of hunting management in Latvia.
Jānis Vīksne has friends all around the world. They together with us are shocked about his untimely pass away. Main words used by many colleagues from everywhere to describe him are – wonderful man and brilliant ornithologist. We fully agree with them and add such important features as outstanding sense of humour, helpfulness, friendship, gladness about achievements of other people.
Dr.biol. Māra Janaus Leading Researcher of Lab. of Ornithology, Institute of Biology