Genomics and Bioinformatics
Head: Dr. biol. Natalia Paramonova
Research Interest
The research interests are focused on plant, animal and human genomics and bioinformatics including basic and applied research:
The laboratory has a full set of equipment for studies in genomics and molecular genetics including DNA amplification, genotyping, cloning and gene expression analysis.
International activities:
2011. – 2013. Taiwan – Latvia – Lithuania cooperation project “Proteasomal gene alleles as risk factors for bronchial asthma in Latvian, Lithuanian and Taiwanese populations”
2010.– 2011. OSMOSE Latvia-France (CNRS unit UMR-8126) cooperation „Functional significance of the repeats in 14q13.2 and 4q35 regions predisposed to human pathologies”.
2007.– 2008. NordPlus Neighbour Nordic-Baltic network cooperation “Genomics for all: bringing new tools to breeders”.
Pacipitation in national reseach programms
2013.–2015. ESF 2013/0043/1DP/ „Jaunas starpnozaru grupas izveide efektīvu diabētiskas neiropātijas ārstēšanas līdzekļu meklējumiem”
2011.–2013. ERAF 2010/0315/2DP/ „Autoimūno slimību agrīnās diagnostikas metodes izstrāde”.
2014.-2017. VPP 2014/VPP 2014-2017, 7. program. – (AgroBioRes), Project VP29.3. “Vietējas izcelsmes slaucamo govju un cūku saimnieciski nozīmīgo pazīmju ģenētiskā izpēte kvalitatīvu pārtikas produktu ražošanai un dabīgas izcelsmes barības sastāvdaļu izstrāde un pārbaude (LOPKOPĪBA)”
2014-2017. VPP 2014/VPP2014-2017, Biomedicine, Project „DNS reparācijas fermentu molekulārģenētiskā un farmakoloģiska izpēte saistība ar metabolām slimībām”.
1.“1,4-Dihidropiridīna atvasinājums DNS pārrāvumu novēršanai cukura diabēta apstākļos”
List of authors: Evita Rostoka, Jeļizaveta Sokolovska, Nikolajs Sjakste, Tatjana Sjakste, Kristīne Ošiņa. (Numb. P-15-89; OSI-2015-007) 2.“A method and a kit suitable for determining that a human subject has or is at risk of developing type 1 diabetes mellitus” List of authors: Tatjana Sjakste, Natalia Paramonova, Nikolajs Sjakste
(European Patent Office, 80298 Minhene, Germany; numb: 13192748.5- 1404; numb.of ref: LAP 2/2456)
status: on examination
Research Interest
The research interests are focused on plant, animal and human genomics and bioinformatics including basic and applied research:
- Development of the molecular marker systems such as microsatellites (MSs), SNP-markers (single nucleotide polymorphisms) and genome mobile elements (transposons and retrotransposons) in cereals, mainly barley and farm animals (cows and others);
- Evaluation of the genetic diversity in wild and cultivated barley and farm animal populations based on molecular marker genotyping and haplotype analysis;
- Application of marker assisted selection (MAS) in barley and farm animals breeding programs;
- New polymorphism detection in candidate genes for the economically important traits in barley and cow based on genomic DNA sequencing;
- Identification and characterization of the genomic sites involved in nuclear rearrangements during barley plant development;
- Association study on candidate-gene polymorphisms, cardiovascular, autoimmune and metabolic disorders in humans.
Staff | |
Permanent scientific staff | |
Natalia Paramonova | Dr. Biol., leading researcher |
Kristine Osina | Master of Biology, PhD student, researcher |
Kristine Dokane | Master of Biology, PhD candidate, researcher |
List of authors: Evita Rostoka, Jeļizaveta Sokolovska, Nikolajs Sjakste, Tatjana Sjakste, Kristīne Ošiņa. (Numb. P-15-89; OSI-2015-007) 2.“A method and a kit suitable for determining that a human subject has or is at risk of developing type 1 diabetes mellitus” List of authors: Tatjana Sjakste, Natalia Paramonova, Nikolajs Sjakste
(European Patent Office, 80298 Minhene, Germany; numb: 13192748.5- 1404; numb.of ref: LAP 2/2456)
status: on examination