Laboratory of Animal Biochemistry and Physiology

Address: Vācieša iela 4, Rīga,  Latvija, LV-1004

Tel.:    +371 26213703;

Head of Laboratory Dr..biol. Svetlana Vasiļjeva


Staff. Dr. biol. - N. Bassova - reseaecher, Galina Smirnova - researcher


The laboratory conducts research into the effects of environmental heavy metal-induced chemical stress at the body level. The impact of environmental pollution, including feed and food, on physiological, immunological and biochemical processes in the animal body is in sight. The study of the interaction of heavy metals (Cd, Zn, Cu, Fe, etc.) and vitamins (A, E, C) significantly complements the knowledge about the influence of changing environmental conditions on the body's regulatory mechanisms. Physiological, biochemical, immunological and morphological methods are used in the research.

The main directions of basic research activities:

  • nutrient uptake and transport mechanisms at organ and cellular level; interactions of vitamins and minerals and their influence on assimilation processes;
  • mechanisms of interaction during assimilation between nutrients and toxic elements;
  • assessment of the level of harmfulness of heavy metals in the animal body;
  • the effect of imbalance of prooxidants and antioxidants on the formation of oxidative stress in the body;
  • study of antioxidant and immunomodulatory effects of various nutrients.

BABARYKIN D., SMIRNOVA G., MARKOVS J., VASILJEVA S., BASOVA N., SIMANIS R., VIKSNA L.2019. Therapeutic effect of fractionated by ultrafiltration red beetroot (Beta vulgaris L.) juice in rats with food induced fatty liver. Eur. J. Biol. Res., 9 (1), 1-9. 

BABARYKIN D., SMIRNOVA G., PUNDINSH I., VASILJEVA S., KRUMINA G., AGEJCHENKO V. 2019. Red beet (Beta vulgaris) impact on human health. Journal of Biosciences and Medicines, 7 (3), 61-79. 10.4236/jbm.2019.73007 

VASILJEVA, S., SMIRNOVA, G., BASOVA, N., BABARYKIN D. 2018. Cadmium-induced oxidative damage and protective action of fractioned red beet (Beta vulgaris) root juice in chickens. Agronomy Research 16,(S2) 1517 - 1526.

VASILJEVA, S., BASOVA, N., SMIRNOVA, G. 2018. Disturbance of the functionality in immunocompetent organs of chickens due to accumulation of cadmium. Research for Rural Development, 1, 222-226. DOI: 10.22616/rrd.24.2018.035 

MARKOVS, J., GALUZA, A., BASOVA, N., KNIPSE, G., VASILJEVA, S., SMIRNOVA, G. 2018. In vitro studies of iron absorption and activity of glutathione peroxidase in intestinal mucosa of the chicken. European Journal of Biological Research, 8 (3), p.168 -173,  

BERZINA, N., MARKOVS, J., DIZHBITE, T., APSITE, M., VASILYEVA, S., BASOVA, N., SMIRNOVA, G., ISAJEVS, S. 2013. Oxidative stress and innate immunity status in chickens exposed to high dose of ascorbic acid. Cell biochemistry and function 31:(7), 551-559, DOI: 10.1002/cbf.2934

APSĪTE M., BĒRZIŅA N., AND BASOVA N. Effects of high but non-toxic dietary     intake of selenium and copper on indices of antioxidant defence system and trace elements accumulation in chicks. Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. 2012, 66, (3), 117- 124.

BERZINA N., MARKOVS J., APSITE M., VASILYEVA S., BASOVA N., SMIRNOVA G. Concentration – dependent  antioxidant / prooxidant activity of ascorbic acid in chickens. Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. 2012, 66 (6), 256-260.

BĒRZIŅA N., APSĪTE M., BASOVA N., VASIĻJEVA S., SMIRNOVA G., ISAJEVS S. Antioxidant/prooxidant effect of a single, oral, massive dose of vitamin A alone and in combination with iron. In: Mūsdienu fizioloģijas problēmas un prakse. Zinātnisko rakstu krājums. (Red. Praulīte G., Aivars J.I., Birznieks I., Gedrovics J.). 2012, 15-30.

VASIĻJEVA S., BĒRZIŅA N., REMEZA I. Dietary modulation of immune responses by ascorbic acid in healthy and cadmium-induced imunocompromised chickens. Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Section B. 2011, 65(3/4), 110-116.

BERZINA N., MARKOVS J., APSITE M., VASILYEVA S., BASOVA N., SMIRNOVA G. AND KNIPSHE G. The influence of different doses of ascorbic acid on oxidative stress parameters, cadmium absorption and selected blood biomarkers in chicks. Latvijas Universitātes Raksti. Medicīna. 2011, 773, 23-32.

BERZINA N., MARKOVS JU., APSITE M., VASILYEVA S., SMIRNOVA G. Intestinal cadmium absorption and oxidative stress, kidney function and blood immune biomarkers in chicks exposed to different doses of ascorbic acid. Basic& Clinical Pharmacology&Toxicology, 2010, 101, (1), 29-34.

BASOVA N., BERZINA N., MARKOV JU. Effect of ascorbic acid on the intestinal transport of glycine in chick. Russian Journal of Physiology (formely I.M. Sechenov Physiological Journal). 2010, 96, (2), 173-182.

VASILYEVA S., BERZINA N. Copper supplementation in chicken diet: effect of immune status. In: Advances and Challenges in Poultry Science. (Eds. A. Tserveni-Goussi, A.Yannakopoulos, P. Fortomaris, G. Arsenos, E. Sossidou). University Studio Press,  Thessaloniki, Greece. 2008, 873-878.

BĒRZIŅA N., MARKOVS J., ISAJEVS S., APSITE M., SMIRNOVA G. Cadmium-induced enteropathy in domestic cocks: biochemical and histological study after subchronic exposure. – Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology. 2007, 101 (1), 29-34.