Laboratory of Marine Ecology

Dr. biol. Elmīra Boikova – head of laboratory

Tel. 26186712


Dr. phil. Ieva Grudzinska - Elsberga - researcher

Mg. Sc. Irīna Kuļikova - researcher   

Mg.Sc. Vita Līcīte  - research  asistant                              

The laboratory team performs multi-year coastal Gulf research based on the requirements of the EU / Latvian environmental directives (Water Framework Directive EC60 / 2000, Habitats Directive EC 1992, Marine Strategy Directive MSFD, 2008), as well as the recommendations of the Helsinki Committee, as well as basic research in the  marine ecology.

Study of the coastal environment quality complex of the Gulf of Riga, based on research monitoring since 1997, evaluating the biodiversity of macrophyte habitats, production in relation to eutrophication load and the dynamics of microbial chain components. Sustainable use of biological resources of the international ILTER network "Marine site Engure", assessment.

Application of biomarkers for the integrative characterization of marine environmental health Determination of oxidative stress level by enzyme activity tests (aquatic plants, fish, molluscs) (research started in 2009 within the framework of the international BONUS program).
Ecology of microbial chain components - ciliates, pico and nanoplankton in relation to environmental abiotic / biotic factors at the cell / population level using inverted, epiflurescence microscopy and flow cytometry

A digital laboratory database on complex marine research is maintained and supplemented, based on data from the 1980s, 1990s and 2000s, to be used for the preparation of publications.
Based on the incorporation of the ESF project on the bioindication of urban hydro ecosystems, transfer and adaptation of methods from marine research to the methodological development of urban water quality assessment.

MUELBERT, J.H., NIDZIEKO, N.J., ACOSTA, A.T.R., BEAULIEU S.E., BERNARDINO A., BOIKOVA E. (...), WIKNER, J., ZINGONE, A. 2019. ILTER -The International Long-Term Ecological Network as a Platform for Global Coastal and Ocean Observation. Frontiers in Marine Science, Vol.6  pp.1-14 doi: 10.3389/fmars. 2019.00527

KALIŃSKA-NARTIŠA, E., STIVRINS, N. and GRUDZINSKA, I., 2018. Quartz grains reveal sedimentary palaeoenvironment and past storm events: A case study from eastern Baltic. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science,200, pp. 359-370.

STIVRIŅŠ, N., GRUDZINSKA - ELSBERGA, I., ELMI, K., HEINSALU, A., VESKI, S. 2018. Determining reference conditions of hemiboreal lakes in Latvia, NE Europe: a palaeolimnological approach Annales de Limnologie - International Journal of Limnology Vol. 54  Article Number: 22, p.[1]-12: fig., tab.  

RUDZĪTE, M., BOIKOVA, E., DREIJERS, E., JAKUBĀNE, I., JERMAKOVS V., PARELE,  E., PILĀTE, D., RUDZĪTIS M. 2018. Distribution and Protection of the Molluscs of Latvia. Schriften zur Malakozoologie aus dem Haus der Natur-Cismar  Volume: 30, 19-28.  

GRUDZINSKA, I., VASSILJEV, J., SAARSE, L., REITALU, T. and VESKI, S., 2017. Past environmental change and seawater intrusion into coastal Lake Lilaste, Latvia. Journal of Paleolimnology, 57(3), pp. 257-271. DOI: 10.1007/s10933-017-9945-3 

BUHOLCE, L., LĪCĪTE, V., BOIKOVA, E. and BOTVA U. 2015.Structural composition of protozooplankton communities in relation to environmental factors in shallow lakes and reservoirs of Riga, Latvia.  Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. Section B, Natural, Exact, and Applied Sciences 69(3), pp. 105–111.

LICITE, V., BOIKOVA, E., BOTVA, U., GRAUDA, D. and BUHOLCE, L., 2015. Microbial food web components as potential indicators of urban hydroecosystems. Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Section B: Natural, Exact, and Applied Sciences, 69(3), pp. 98-104.

VUORI, K.A. LEHTONEN, K.K., KANERVA, M., PELTONEN, H., NIKINMAA,  M., BEREZINA, N.A. and BOIKOVA, E., 2015. Oxidative stress biomarkers in the copepod Limnocalanus macrurus from the northern Baltic Sea: Effects of hydrographic factors and chemical contamination. Marine ecology progress series, 538, pp. 131-144, doi: 10 3354/meps11471

SEISUMA Z., I.KULIKOVA, 2012, Distribution of metals in sediment of the coastal zone of the Gulf of Riga and open part of the Baltic Sea . Oceanology, Vol.52 No 6, pp. 846-850.

SEISUMA Z, I.KUĻIKOVA, U.BOTVA,  E.BOIKOVA, 2011,Long-term investigation of metal concentrations in Brown algae Fucus vesiculosus from the Gulf of Riga, Baltic Sea.  Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, section B Natural, Exact, and Applied Sciences,Vol 65, No 5/6 pp.186-191.

SEISUMA Z, I.KUĻIKOVA, U.BOTVA, E.BOIKOVA,  2010. Metālu koncentrācija Rīgas un Somu līča brūnaļģēs Fucus vesiculosus un sedimentā.. 68.zinātniskā konference Klimata mainība un ūdeņi. Rakstu krājums, Rīga: Latvijas Universitāte, 88 – 94.

BOIKOVA E., BOTVA U., LĪCĪTE V., 2008, The trophic status implementation for brackish water    quality assessment in the coastal waters of the Baltic Sea. Proccedings of Latvian Academy of Science, Section B, Natural, Exact, and Applied Sciences Vol 62 No 3, pp.24-30.

BOIKOVA E., V.LĪCĪTE, U.BOTVA 2009. Pikocianobaktērijas, autotrofais un heterotrofais nanoplanktons Baltijas jūras atklātās daļās piekrastē. 67.zinātniskā konference KLIMATA MAINĪBA UN ŪDEŅI. Rakstu krājums. LU Akadēmiskais apgāds. 2009.g. 41.-46.

SEISUMA Z, I.KUĻIKOVA, 2009, Metālu sadalījuma izmaiņas atklātās Baltijas jūras (no Papes līdz Kolkai) piekrastes zonas ūdenī un gruntīs. 67.zinātniskā konference KLIMATA MAINĪBA UN ŪDEŅI. Rakstu krājums. LU Akadēmiskais apgāds. 2009.g. 88-96.

BOIKOVA E., 2008 Global International Water Assessment (GIWA) No 17 “Baltic sea”   .contributor from Latvia about marine and freshwater state, Sweden 88 pages,