
ES COST akcija CA18239 - Conservation of freshwater mussels: a pan-European approach. (2019-2023)

Start - October 2019

Duration  48 months

Funding European Commission - H2020


Responsible institution

Institute of Nature Conservation, Polish Academy of Sciences


CIBIO/InBIO (PT); CNR Institute of Water Research (IT); University of Nottingham (UK); Evelyn Moorkens and Associates (IE); Fondation Hëllef fir d'Natur (LU); Agricultural university of Tirana (AL); University of Jyväskylä (FI); Technical University of Munich (DE); UNIVERSITY OF THESSALONIKI (EL); University of Minho (PT); Universidade de Vigo (ES); Karlstad University (SE)



CA18237 - European Soil-Biology Data Warehouse for Soil Protection

The EUdaphobase COST Action aims to create the structures and procedures necessary for developing an open Europe-wide soil biodiversity data infrastructure. European authorities and stakeholders urgently need reliable tools for monitoring and evaluating the environmental condition of soils within policy assessment in context of numerous EU directives. The ultimate goal of EUdaphobase is to establish a pan- European soil-biological data and knowledge warehouse, which can be used for understanding, protecting and sustainably managing soils, their biodiversity and functions.

Projektā piedalās LU BI Bioikdikācijas laboratorija. Vadītājs prof. Dr. biol. V. Melecis


EU COST akcija Nr. FA1405 “Using three-way interactions between plants, microbes and arthropods to enhance crop protection and production“ (Trīs veidu mijiedarbības starp augiem, mikroorganismiem un posmkājiem izmantošana augu aizsardzības un ražības paaugstināšanai)” 2015.g. 10.marts - 2019. g. 09. marts. Latvijas pārstāvis vadības komitejā – L. Jankevica

Mērķis - apvienot Eiropā esošās zināšanas par kultūraugu - posmkāju – mikroorganismu [Crop – Arthropod - Microorganism (CAMo)] mijiedarbību, lai izveidotu starpdisciplināru platformu pētījumiem par CAMo mijiedarbības mehānismu, ietekmi un izmantošanu kultūraugu ražas palielināšanai un izstrādāt jaunas kaitēkļu kontroles un vadības atbalsta sistēmas, kas balstītas  CAMo mijiedarbības pielietošanu.


EUALGAE: European Network For Algal-Bioproducts

Funding Institution/Program: COST/H2020 - COST Open Call 2014-1

Period: March 2015-March 2019

Principal researcher: Dr. Cristina Gonzalez (Chair of the Action)

LU BI Laboratoryof Hydrobiology is a participint in this project. Leader : Dr. biol. G. Spriņģe

The EUALGAE COST Action “European network for algal-bioproducts”, financed by the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) and supported by the EU Framework Programme Horizon 2020, is coordinated by IMDEA Energy and counts with more than 190 researchers from 27 COST countries and 4 COST International Partner Countries.

The main objective of EUALGAE is the establishment of a European network sharing a common goal: development of an economical feasible model for the commercialization of algae-based bioproducts.

EUALGAE is created to stimulate not only interaction among research groups across Europe but also to foster cooperation between academia and industry. This scientific platform will generate a synergistic approach for utilization of microalgae biomass for sustainable fuels and fine chemical products.


COST Countries: Belgium, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom.

COST International Partner Countries: New Zealand, United States of America, Mexico, Ecuador.



Improving current understanding and research for sustainable control of the poultry red mite Dermanyssus gallinae (COREMI)
COST Action FA1404

Funding: Via the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) by the European Union's Horizon 2020 programme.

Management Committee Chair: Prof Olivier Sparagano, Coventry University, Coventry, UK

Management Committee Vice Chair:Fiona Tomley, Royal Veterinary collage, University of London, UK

Duration: November 2014 - November 2018

Patryicipiant from LU BI - Dr. biol I. Salmane (Laboratory of Experimental entomology and Microbiology) 


ES1201 - Networking Lake Observatories in Europe (NETLAKE)

Lakes represent important resources within Europe, providing drinking water, hydroelectric power, flood control, recreation and fisheries. Developments in sensor technology now allow high-resolution monitoring of lakes and reservoirs from in-situ platforms, with the data provided to local end-users by web-based technology. The information acquired by these systems is currently reviewed on a site-by-site basis, but an even greater potential lies in the integration of data from many sites into a European network. Barriers to the development of such a network include, for example, a lack of information on the number of sites currently monitored, and the need for standardisation in data collection, processing and quality control. The over-arching objective of NETLAKE is to establish a network of scientists, technologists, managers and stakeholders focused on the development and application of cutting-edge sensor technology for the protection of European lakes and reservoirs. Deliverables will include a meta-database of instrumented sites, case studies on management-relevant topics, data analysis tools, and a citizen science programme to involve local communities in the protection of water resources. The key deliverable, however, will be the establishment of the NETLAKE network itself, bridging communication gaps between researchers, policy makers and managers, and between scientists and local communities.|Name:overview