Laboratory of Geobotany

Address: Miera street 3, Salaspils, LV-2169, Latvia e-mail:    Head: Dr.biol. Liene Auniņa The Laboratory of Geobotany was established in 17th of April 2007 in order to form the reserach center of vegetation of Latvia. Research covers studies of the vegetation of Latvia both theorethic and applied, and its dynamics. One of the main tasks of the laboratory is to create the National Vegetation Database comprising phytosociological information on the vegetation of Latvia Main research fields: 1.        the plant communities of  Latvia: diversity, ecology and geography; 2.        vegetation dynamics; 3.        development of national vegetation data base.  Publications GALKA, M., AUNIŅA, L., TOBOLSKI, K. and FEURDEAN, A., 2016. Development of Rich Fen on the SE Baltic Coast, Latvia, during the Last 7500 Years, Using Paleoecological Proxies: Implications for Plant Community Development and Paleoclimatic Research. Wetlands, pp.1-15. AUNIŅA, L. and AUNIŅŠ, A., 2015. Limiting climatic actors and habitats of Erica tetralix at the eastern edge of its distribution range. Nordic Journal of Botany, 33(5), pp. 624-632.  LANDUCCI, F., REZNIČKOVA, M., ŠUMBEROVA, K., CHYRTY, M., AUNINA, L., BITA-NICOLAE, C., . . . WILLNER, W. (2015). WetVegEurope: A database of aquatic and wetland vegetation of europe. Phytocoenologia, 45(1-2), 187-194. doi:10.1127/phyto/2015/0050  JIMENEZ-ALFARO, B.,HAJEK, M., EJNAES, R., RODWELL, J., PAWLIKOWSKI, P., WEEDA, EJ., LAITINEN, J., MOEN, A., BERGAMINI, A., AUNINA, L., SEKULOVA, L., TAHVANAINEN, T., GILLET, F., JANDT, U., DITE, D., HAJKOVA, P., CORRIOL,, G. KONDELIN, H. and DIAZ, T.E., 2014. Biogeographic patterns of base-rich fen vegetation across Europe. Applied vegetation science, 17(2), pp. 367-380.  LAIVINS, M., ČEKSTERE, G., MEDENE, A. and DONIS, J., 2014. Structure and dynamics of oligomesic dry pine forests in land zones of the Lake Engure Catchment Area. Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Section B: Natural, Exact, and Applied Sciences, 68(1-2), pp. 80-92.  MEDENE, A. (2013). Biodiversity of Forest stand in Catcment area of the like Engure, Acta BIologica Universitatis Daugavpiliensis, 13(1), pp. 63-68. RŪSIŅA, S., PUŠPURE, I. and GUSTIŅA, L.2013. Diversity patterns in transitional grassland areas in floodplain landscapes with different heterogeneity. Tuexenia,  33, pp. 347-369.  CEKSTERE, G., LAIVINS, M. and OSVALDE, A. (2013) Destruction of young Fraxinus excelsior L. stands and mineral nutrition status in Latvia, a pilot study. Acta Biologica Universitatis Daugavpiliensis, 13(1), pp 31-43.